Sunday, August 19, 2012

Price giving ceremony

Kobala open 2012 is finished. Primož Gričar won the competition again. Second was Franc Peternel and third in overall Balazs Ujhelyi from Hungary.
In slovenian nationals third was Peter Kejžar.

Thanks everyone for coming and we hope to see you again next year.

Kobala open 2012 je končana. Primoz Gričar je zmagal, drugi je bil Franc Peternel in tretji Madžar Blazs Ujhelyi.
Tretje mesto na slovenskem državnem je dosegel Peter Kejžar.

Najlepša hvala vsem za udeležbo in upam da se spet srečamo prihodnje leto.

Franc Peternel, Primož Gričar, Balazs Ujhelyi

Franc Peternel, Primož Gričar, Peter Kejžar

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last task

Today we made 82km long task. Many pilots made goal. Primoz was first again than Tom Weissenberger and Balazs Ujhely. We are waiting for official results right now.
Price giving ceremony is at 9:00 pm at the office.

Danes smo naredili 82km tekmo. Veliko pilotov je prislo v cilj. Prvi je bil Primoz, drugi Tom in tretji Balazs.
Podelitev imamo danes ob 21:00

Friday, August 17, 2012


Dinner for pilots

Where: at Siber camp
When: 8:00
Why: :) that is a stupid question

Bring a good flying story and a big smile on a face.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

4th competition day

Again Kobala Open is offering lots of competition days, so we go on top of Kobala at 10:00, briefing at 12:00 like other days.
Nice flyings to everyone.

We made 142km task. Thermals were strong and in the air was rough. But 14 pilots made goal. We have really good pilots at this competition.  First five pilots in goal were slovenians with Primoz Gricar, Franc Peternel and Peter Kejzar on first three places.
Special congratulation to Christian Preininger that missed goal for less then 6km and landed five minutes before 7pm. Fighting rough conditions for five hours.

Imamo vzhodni veter in gremo spet na Kobalo ob 10:00, sestanek na Kobali je ob 12:00. Lep let in varne pristanke vam zelimo.

Naredili smo 142km disciplino. Termični stebri so bili spet močni, v zraku pa je bilo zelo živahno. Na tekmi imamo zelo dobre pilote, saj je disciplino končalo kar 14 tekmovalcev. Od tega slovenci od prvega do petega mesta. Na čelu z Gričarjem, Peternelom in Kejžarjem.
Čestitke vsem pilotom, posebej pa Christianu Preiningerju, ki je pristal pet minut pred sedmo uro in zgrešil cilj za šest kilometrov. V zraku se je boril kar pet ur.

3rd competition day

Because of possible thunderstorms we will cancel the day. If anyone wants to go up to Kobala for free flight transport up is at 10:00.
Looks like we are having a fun rest day. Cheerse!

Zaradi možnosti neviht ne bomo imeli tekme. Tisti, ki želijo prosto leteti imajo organiziran prevoz na Kobalo ob 10:00.
Izgleda da bomo imeli prost dan. Na zdravje!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

2nd task

2nd task is 113 km long with 6 turnpoints, last turnpoint is at goal in Tolmin. Again we have strong south west wind and great thermalling conditions.
We are already waiting for fist pilots in goal. Yesterday Peternel won the day, Primoz was second and Joze Frim third. Unfortunally Tom Weissenberger had problem with his gps.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Again beautiful day in Tolmin

Good morning Kobala Open pilots, lets make another task ... 

First task

We made 112km long task. 44 pilots were flying the competition and  more than 10 people made goal. It was blowing strong west wind that was making hard to turn the fifth turn point. Pilots had Alpine conditions with strong thermals up to 10m/s and they were  reaching up to 2400m.
First that reached goal was Franc Peternel, with Tom Weissenberger, Primoz Gricar and Joze Frim few minutes behind him.
We are just downloading tracks and waiting for the official results.

Our daily scheduale for the whole week will be same as today unless we write differently on the web and on the board infrot our office.
So again tomorrow:
9:00 uploading gliders
10:00 start to Kobala
12:00 briefing at Kobala

Naredili smo 112km dolgo tekmo. Od 44 ih pilotov jih je prislo v cilj vec kot 10 . Pihal je mocan zahodnik, zaradi katerega je bilo tezko doseci peto obratno tocko. Piloti so imeli alpske pogoje z mocnimi dviganji, tudi do 10m/s. Dosegali so visine do 2400m. Prvi je priletel v cilj Franc Peternel s Tomasom Weissenbergerjem, Primozem Gricarjemi in Jozetom Frimom za petami.
Ravno sprejemamo njihove gps instrumente za izracun uradnih rezultatov.

Monday, August 13, 2012

 Registration is almost finished. For peoplezzz that couldn' t sing in today, they can do it tomorrow at 8:30am. Weather looks nice and Soca valley is waiting for another great competition.

We are looking forward to meet you tomorrow:

  9:00am uploading the gliders  / nakladanje zmaj
10:00am transport to take off  / natovorjenje zmajev
12:00 briefing at Kobala / sestanek na Kobali

We are looking forward to another great competition. Lots of great flyings and just safe landings.

Practice day

Practice day = registration date

Just registered :)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Few more days to Kobala Open. Who will be the winner this year? Medals are already waiting.

Še malo in začelo se bo slovensko državno prvenstvo Kobala Open. Kdo bo letošnji zmagovalec? Medalije že čakajo.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

10 more days

‎10 days left to pay lower entry fee... check Basics on official web page

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Camping in Camp Siber is free for competitiors, for assistants is 5 eur per day. If you prefer ex Johnson camp, now Camp Gabrje you'll, as the competitor, get 10% discount. More info and links are on our web page...